Customer stories

Sikkens Business Services - Canada

Brian Martin
Director of Auto Collision
Lexus North Miami

Brian Martin describes the benefits that Carbeat brought to his shops and the first-class support from the AkzoNobel Services team.

Andrew Batenhorst
Bodyshop Manager
Pacific BMW

Listen to Andrew's discussion on improving departmental cycle times through the use of Carbeat.

Brad Shelton
Shop Owner
Shelton Collision Repair

Carbeat customer Brad Shelton of Shelton Collision Repair describes his experience using the software. He reports significant improvements in his shop's operations since adopting Carbeat. Shelton switched to it because of its "reporting, tried and true tested functionality, and support"; as well as the fact that AkzoNobel, a respected industry leader, is behind the product.

"Speed, speed, speed"

One of the key benefits of using Carbeat, according to Shelton, is the speed with which it operates. Carbeat Connect synchronizes the data from his management system almost instantaneously, ensuring Shelton and his team are ready to use the dashboard right away when a repair comes in. This feature has improved their process time by at least 15%, which Shelton explains "may not seem like much, but it adds up."

In addition, Carbeat's reporting capabilities have been incredibly helpful for the shop. The system's reports provide "data beyond belief" and can be customized to "slice and dice data in any way that's needed". Shelton also feels that the comparison against other Carbeat users is very useful, helping to provide a feel for how his shop is really doing against some of the best shops in the country.

Improving cycle times

Shelton emphasizes the importance of interdepartmental cycle times and the role that Carbeat has played in improving them. Previously, his team was used to a manual process of moving magnets on a board, but moving to an electronic board with added reporting features helps in many ways. With the repair, planning, body, painting, and other departments now being tracked, technicians are conscious about keeping cars moving, ensuring that no department becomes a bottleneck in the process.

Shelton's positive experience with Carbeat highlights the tangible benefits of adopting an electronic production board in the auto repair industry. Faster, more accurate data processing and reporting, along with improved interdepartmental cycle times, have resulted in tangible improvements in process time and overall efficiency, ultimately leading to better customer satisfaction and increased profits.

"Carbeat has helped us reduce process times by at least 15%."

Brad Shelton
Shelton Collision Repair